Carbon Begins to evolve into todays diamonds
Earliest Signs of diamond trading in india
Diamond Becomes Fashionable Amongst Europe's elite
First Diamond engagement ring (Archduke Maximilian of Austria + Mary of Burgundy)
It is discovered that diamonds are pure Carbon. First unsuccesful attempts at creating diamonds
First major diamond discovery in South Africa
Earliest success at growing lab diamonds.(James Ballantyne Hannay, Scotland)
Cecil Rhodes establishes the company De Beers
3106,75 carat cullinan diamond found in south africa ( Biggest Natural Diamond Ever Found)
The Gemological institute of america (GIA) is founded
General Electric's diamond synthesis project started (USA)
De Beers coins the famous Slogan "A diamond is Forever
Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) process diamond begin to appear
Kimberly Process established to regulate the flow of legal diamonds with many flaws in system
It is estimated that 15 million carats of conflict diamonds are laundered every year via Dubai and Hong Kong
586 million crates of lab diamond are imported to US
FTC has dropped the word 'natural' from the definition of diamond and has ruled that diamond is a diamond,no matter if it's grown or mined.Lab Grown diamonds are widely accepted by consumers worldwide